Friday, March 12, 2010

Do You Need a New Watch?

by M James

If you're thinking about buying a new watch, then perhaps you know why you need a new one, and what features your new watch needs to have. Alternatively, you might just fancy a change of watch. If you are looking foir a new watch, then here's what you need to consider.

1. If you're struggling to read your watch face, perhaps because it's scratched, or it's now too small for you to see, then maybe it's a time for a new watch.

2. You'll have to decide when you'll wear your new watch. Perhaps you want a watch to wear every day, or just for formal occasions, or for when your running or diving.

3. You might need your watch to have certain functions. You might want it to display the day or date, or have a stopwatch, be waterproof or be easy to read in the dark.

4. You might have already decided that you want either an analogue or digital watch, or perhaps you haven't made up your mind yet. Your choice might be made easier when you've decided what you you're your watch to be able to do.

5. The shape of your new watch might be important to you. Will you go for a traditional round shape, or a rectangular shape? Will a certain shape be easier to read for you, and perhaps be more appropriate for a work, or formal occasion?

6. Depending on the size of the watch you choose, it may or may not suit you. You don't want a watch that's too big for your wrist, nor do you want a face that's dwarfed by your wrist so that you can't read it. Also by thinking when you'll wear your watch, you don't want it to be too bulky under your clothing.

7. No matter if you're going to be wearing your watch for a few hours a year at formal events, or all day every day, you'll need to be aware of its weight. Formal analogue watches can be quite big and bulky, which makes them heavy, and uncomfortable. If you don't like wearing our new watch, you won't wear it.

8. You might have a preference for strap type, or colour. Some models of watch are available with different straps, so if you don't like the strap, or the colour of the watch face or the case, it might be available in different colours and materials.

9. Different brands are known for different types of watch. You might want to choose a designer watch, a brand well known for their digital, analogue, or sporting watches, or you might just go for the watch you like best, rather than by the designer or brand.

10. Although you're likely to have a price limit for your new watch, you should make sure that you get the right watch for your needs, rather than by choosing by cost alone. If you need certain features, or a certain style, if you limit yourself you might not get what you need, and so not wear your watch as often as you'd like to.

Now you know how to tell if you do need a new watch, and how to choose your next watch, you've got n excuse for not knowing what time it is.

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